
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Becoming a Writer

This book is boring.

I read some great reviews about how Becoming a Writer had really inspired and helped people who were wanting to be writers, so I thought as a freelance writer I should check it out. It may be useful for someone who has no support or encouragement in their writing career as she does spend a bit of time encouraging new writers. I didn't really need encouragement.

She also talks a lot about the lifestyle, etc of writers and how form and style are more important than punctuation and grammer, which can be true to a point (but who keeps paying a writer who can't spell or use proper punctuation?).

All in all, it may be worth reading for someone else. It was written in the 1930s, so maybe that's why some of her advice seems trite to a seasoned writer. Like I said, it may be helpful for new, just starting out writers.

I actually never finished this book, as I decided I really don't want to learn how to write from someone whose own book is painfully dull.

I give it one star.

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