
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Daughter of the Forest

Daughter of the Forest captivated me right off the bat and kept me spellbound from start to finish. It's the first of a trilogy and I can't wait to read the other 2 books. Juliet Marillier is a master of description and really made the scenery and people come alive for me.

Sorcha, the daughter of an Irish warlord, must complete an arduous task in order to save her 6 brothers from a terrible spell. In doing so she comes face to face with her families greatest enemies and learns much about herself.

In the course of her journey, she tells and retells Irish legends and learns about good and evil, love and hate, life and death. She loses her voice but keeps an ability to communicate with ehr brothers and her true love in other ways. The ending is a little predictable, but one can't really expect the heroine to die in the first of a trilogy, can one?


Dynila said...

fyi - I have this whole series if you want to read the others and haven't already.

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